Oct 14 2022

Singapore has seen a rise in the number of accredited investors

Jeremy Chang

What is an Accredited Investor?

An Accredited Investor (AI) is an individual or corporation that has met the requirements set out by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) under the Securities and Futures Act (SFA) and are able to opt-in as an Accredited Investor. These individuals or corporations, as an Accredited Investor, will generally have access to a larger variety of investment products and be subjected to less regulation than that of non-Accredited Investors.

At the end of 2018, MAS released a new regime for Accredited Investors and Institutional Investors which included a new definition of Accredited Investor and a set of Frequently Asked Questions on the definition of Accredited Investor and the Opt-In Process.

Old Definition (Before 8 October 2018)

New Definition (After 8 October 2018)

New Definition (From 8 January 2019)

Rise in Accredited Investors

With the inclusion and update of the definition of an Accredited Investor, many more individuals fit the requirements and are thus able to opt in as Accredited Investors. This raises the number of Accredited Investors in Singapore. 

For more, check out our blog and FAQ.

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