How can we help you?

Update of Personal Details

How do I update my contact details (mobile number, email address, residential address)?

To change your account details, please contact our Customer Service team by email at For your account safety and to prevent unauthorised changes, we must verify your account identity before making any changes.

Please indicate the subject of the email as – “Update of Contact Details [Full Name]”

How do I update my personal details?

If you have recently changed your personal details, please reach out to us to update your personal details. Some of such changes include, but are not limited to the official name, marital status and citizenship.

Kindly notify us of any changes which would render your information in our system inaccurate via email at You may be required to furnish supporting documents for confirmation.

Please indicate the subject of the email as – “Change of Personal Details [Full Name]”.

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+65 9678 0773